Amyoli Internet Research Lab

Urban Climate Change Study

What is this study about?

We are researchers from the University of Chicago Computer Science Department partnering with Argonne National Lab on the Community Research on Climate and Urban Science (CROCUS) project that is collecting climate data at a neighborhood level in Chicago. In our project, we want to learn about the climate change goals and needs of stakeholders in Chicago including scientists and community organizations. We ultimately aim to develop tools that allow community organizations to meaningfully engage with the climate data & artificial intelligence (AI) models produced by CROCUS. This study has been approved by the University of Chicago Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Can I participate? What do I have to do to participate?
  • Eligibility: at this time, we are only interviewing scientists whose work relates to the CROCUS initiative in order to learn about the data pipeline and understand how communities might benefit.
  • Participate in a 30-45 minute interview in-person or through a video conferencing platform such as Zoom.
  • Complete a survey on your demographics that should take less than 5 minutes.
I’d like to participate. How can I sign up?
  • To participate in this study, message Kelly Wagman via the CROCUS Slack to schedule a time. Thank you for your time!
What do I get out of it?
  • You will receive a link to a $25 Amazon gift card upon completing the questionnaire and interview (note: if you are an Argonne employee you must schedule the interview outside of work hours and use your own laptop in order to receive the gift card)
  • With your help, we will develop tools and processes that allow for greater engagement with climate data by citizens.
Research team

Marshini Chetty, Professor of Computer Science, University of Chicago

Kelly Wagman, PhD student in Computer Science, University of Chicago