Nov 9, 2022 | Publications
Brennan has two new papers at CSCW 2022 and CSCW 2023 on online manipulation. More specifically, we studied account deletion related dark patterns on social media and how Netflix’s interface affects user’s sense of agency over their time management and content choice! Congrats Brennan!
Jun 27, 2022 | Publications
We have exciting new papers coming out at various conferences on a wide range of topics: misinformation, Smart home Internet of Things, virtual private networks, dark patterns, and marginalization in the vulnerability discovery community. Check out the preprints on our publications page.
Mar 8, 2021 | Publications, Talks
Congratulations to Neha Lingareddy and Brennan Schaffner on their accepted workshop paper for the “What Can CHI Do About Dark Patterns?” Workshop to be held virtually at CHI 2021. They will be discussing barriers to deleting an account on the top 20 social media platforms in the USA.
Jan 18, 2021 | Publications, Research
The AIR lab has two new papers coming out, both with fantastic collaborators. The first paper is a study of how Black Lives Matter novice in-person protesters manage privacy and security advice. This work will be presented at CHI 2021 and was conducted with collaborators in the SUPERgroup – Maia Boyd, Jamar Sullivan, and Blase Ur. The second paper is a study of how well users understand the difference between native and third party apps on Alexa and will be published in Transactions on Internet Technology. This work is also conducted with another great set of collaborators including David Major (Princeton), Danny Huang (NYU), and Nick Feamster.