Jan 18, 2021 | Publications, Research
The AIR lab has two new papers coming out, both with fantastic collaborators. The first paper is a study of how Black Lives Matter novice in-person protesters manage privacy and security advice. This work will be presented at CHI 2021 and was conducted with collaborators in the SUPERgroup – Maia Boyd, Jamar Sullivan, and Blase Ur. The second paper is a study of how well users understand the difference between native and third party apps on Alexa and will be published in Transactions on Internet Technology. This work is also conducted with another great set of collaborators including David Major (Princeton), Danny Huang (NYU), and Nick Feamster.
Jan 18, 2021 | Grants, Research
Marshini was awarded a CAREER award by the National Science Foundation to study the impact of educational technologies on school children’s privacy. You can read more about the project overview here. There is also a nice summary of my work on the UChicago CS department webpage which you can read here.
Oct 14, 2020 | Events
The curated video of the Virtual Town Hall on the Contextual Integrity of Contract Tracing is now available. You can watch the event here.
Sep 24, 2020 | Events
Together with Helen Nissenbaum (Cornell Tech), Yan Shvartzshnaider (New York University) and Blase Ur (University of Chicago), Marshini co-organized and hosted the Virtual Town Hall on Contextual Integrity of Contact Tracing on September 22, 2020. This was a successful event with a lively virtual panel and breakout rooms with great panelists and session leaders from law, computer science, and communication disciplines to name a few. The video of the event will be made available soon but you can read more about the event at the PrivaCI website. This is our third event which we moved to virtual in 2020 owing to the pandemic. We aim to hold an in-person event in Chicago when that is possible but stay tuned for updates.